02920 596596 or 07881 366537

Coloured WELSH slates – plum, blue and green

We sell a variety of different coloured WELSH slates – plum, blue and green – guaranteed to bring interest to your landscaping.

Welsh slate –  we sell genuine Welsh slate. This beautiful decorative slate deepens in colour when wet. It is ideal for use in borders, pots, around water features, decorative rockeries, (the list is endless!) for a highly impactive display.

We sell the large size chippings (up to 40mm) so you can be sure of maximum impact!

We sell plum (purple), blue and green Welsh slate.

It is available in manageable 22 kg bags or loose (available in bulk bags for collection only in a suitable vehicle)

We also deliver (minimum quantities apply) in different size trucks to suit your access.


(As it is a natural product, we would recommend you collecting a small sample or coming to our site to view it if you are ordering to add to an existing slate display).