02920 596596 or 07881 366537


We believe that each order is as individual as the customer placing it, which is why we do not offer generic online ordering.

We have always done business by talking to our customers – you can get in touch with our friendly staff by phone, text, or email.

Call us on 02920 596596

Email us enquiries@britishsoil.co.uk

Text on 07881 366537

We are open 7.30am – 4pm Monday to Friday (last collection of product or green waste drop is 4pm) and we are open on Saturday morning 8am – 11.30am (last collection of product or green waste drop is 11.30am)

Here is a precise what3words address, made of 3 random words. Every 3 metre square in the world has its own unique what3words address.


We accept cards, bank transfer or cash (cash payments at office only)


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